Mystic 2017 Conference




“Set your sails for a WHALE of an Education!”

Donna L. Ralston, CCMA II, President




Dear NRAAO Members,

Welcome to the newly designed NRAAO Website!

Please let me introduce myself… I am Donna L. Ralston, CCMA II, Assessor for the City of Norwich, CT. and the newly elected President of the NRAAO.

As well as being a long-time member of the CAAO, I have been a member of the NRAAO for over 30 years. It is an organization comprised of 12 Northeast States from Maine to DC and 6 Canadian Provinces. 


The NRAAO is dedicated to providing additional training and educational opportunities for assessing officials all over the Northeast. Members enjoy a dynamic environment in all of the different States to exchange ideas, information on global challenges and to learn more about the latest issues challenging Northeast Assessors today.

 It gives me great pleasure to be at the helm of this great organization and to oversee the annual conference which will be held from May 21 – 24, 2017 at the Mystic Hilton, Coogan Boulevard, Mystic, CT.

I am thrilled to say that an amazing group of Connecticut Assessors have excitedly volunteered to organize the conference and make it the BEST educational experience… EVER!   Conference Chair, Marsha Standish and I  would like to use this venue to keep you apprised of our progress and to present a few of our highlights.

We are always looking for more input and, of course more volunteers, especially as the event draws near.

So… Stay tuned and “mark your Calendars” for May, 2017 and

“Set Your Sails for a Whale of an Education!