Who’s Who
Introducing John Chaponis Chair
Sue Altieri Co-Chair
2017 NRAAO Conference Golf Pro Chair and Pro Co-Chair
Event Date: Tuesday May 23, 2017
John and Sue are experienced field appraiser/inspectors in all aspects of valuation and athletic competition. The event has been well planned and researched by John and Sue and perhaps they may provide a few tips of the trade.
Discovery, measure and listing, fundamental assessment terms and what better place for the discovery of your technical abilities than progressing from green to green. Spending the day on the Historic Shennecossett Golf Course certainly provides added value. Especially with colleagues in discussing and applying the value to each green while at the same time attempting to place your golf ball in the hole by expending as few stokes as possible. End result prizes.
In the event your game is not progressing at the level warranted you have the opportunity to view the landscape and Thames River or ride aimlessly in the golf cart.
John Chaponis, CCMA II
Assessor Town of Colchester 127 Norwich Avenue, Suite 104 Colchester, Connecticut 06415-1258 860-537-7205 Email: J_chaponis@hotmail.com
Susan Altieri, CCMA II Assessor Granby Town Hall 15 North Granby Road Granby, Connecticut 06035 860-844-5312 Email – suej1063@yahoo.com
Who’s Who
Introducing Melinda Fonda Chair
Shelby Jackson, Co-Chair
2017 NRAAO Conference Education
Education is the focus and purpose of the 2017 NRAAO Conference providing stimulating and current issues that our membership and colleagues need to enhance their professional training. This year’s sessions under the guidance of Chair Melinda Fonda and Co-Chair Shelby Jackson have provided such a variety of educational programs that will enrich your experience at this year’s conference.
Melinda has been extremely active in IAAO and local Chapter with an emphasis on the promotion of educational programs. Shelby has been a strong presence in the Society of Professional Assessor’s educational programs in real estate and finance. Together they are formattable in bringing together topics and instructors that are exceptionally motivating and informative.
They are enthusiastic in the selection of the programs and instructors as is the entire 2017 NRAAO Conference Committee.
Who’s Who
Introducing Pamela “Pam” K. Deziel
Registration Chair, 2017 NRAAO Conference
Attendees will be welcomed and registered under the guidance of Pam Deziel. Registration is not only the process to enroll it is one of the first contacts that you make in your conference experience. Pam is an organized detailed person and will be the conduit to conference education and activities during your stay in Mystic.
Pam has been Secretary for the State of Connecticut Assessor’s Association keeping detailed minutes of CAAO and it is this detailed orientated nature leading to her selection as Registration Chair.
Should you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact:
Pamela K. Deziel
Assessor, CCMA II
Town of Wolcott
10 Kenea Ave
Wolcott, CT 06716
(203)879-8100 x111
Email –pdeziel@wolcottct.org
Who’s Who
Introducing Chris Kelsey
Web Master
2017 NRAAO Conference
NRAAO’s web site is our organization’s connection, providing and disseminating information in alignment with our purpose.
Chris has assumed this position with great enthusiasm which is reflected in the site’s design and maintenance of information. He has sorted through requests of the 2017 NRAAO Committee with a tremendous amount of patience and persistence to provide the online registration process to meet the needs of our membership and conference attendees.
Should you have any questions regarding the NRAAO web site, please contact:
Chris Kelsey CCMA II
Town of Middlebury
Who’s Who
Introducing Betsy Quist
2017 NRAAO Conference Treasurer
Finances are the foundations of a Conference and Betsy is the protector and pulse of the 2017 Conference funds. A budget is a moving living document that involves all aspects of the conference and committees, sponsors and vendors.
Betsy has been an invaluable presence to the State of Connecticut Assessor’s Association and the Northeast Regional Association of Assessing Officers. She is relentless in ensuring our 2017 Conference financial success in which the Committee is extremely grateful, especially it’s Chair.
Should you have any questions regarding transmittal of funds, please contact:
Betsy A. Quist, Assessor
Treasurer 2017 NRAAO
Town of Woodbridge
11 Meetinghouse Lane
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Email – bquist@woodbridgect.org
Introducing Larry LaBarbera
2017 NRAAO Program Book Editor/Chair
Sponsor support through advertising is an integral part of our Conference success that enables the Conference Committee to produce the Program Book. Larry is the chair/editor who is responsible for the development of the 2017 Program Book. This book supports all activities, sponsors, vendors, and supporters necessary to conduct a Conference and will be distributed to all conference attendees and vendors at registration.
Larry has been active in the State of Connecticut Assessor’s Association and in the Northeast Regional Association of Assessing Officers and is a detail oriented individual. His contribution is a valuable asset and gift to our organizations.
Should you have any questions regarding advertising in the Program Booklet, please contact:
Lawrence LaBarbera, CCMA II, ASA, CCMC
Assessor, Town of Windsor
Phone: (860) 285-1819
NRAAO Conference Program Book Chair
Introducing Mary Huda and Robin O’Loughlin
Vendor Chair and Chair Assistant
Vendors’ support many of the Conference activities and are invaluable to our organization. Mary and Robin have been in contact with our Vendors to provide sponsoring opportunities that will be memorable and valuable to all attendees and vendors alike. You are asking yourself, what is a Chair Assistant? This position is to support the Vendor Chair in accomplishing our conference mission of providing spectacular program activities.
Mary and Robin have been active in the State of Connecticut Assessor’s Association and in the Northeast Regional Association of Assessing Officers and work extremely well together. They continue toward obtaining Vendor support in order to achieve the highest level of cultural and educational experience for all attendees.
Should you have any questions regarding the sponsorship opportunities or wish to confirm your participation for this much anticipated 2017 NRAAO Conference, please contact:
Mary E. Huda
NRAAO Conference Vendor Chair Robin O’Loughlin
mary.huda@southwindsor.org roloughlin@deepriverct.us
(w) (860) 644-2511 X-213 (860) 526-6029
Introducing Linda Q. Tajirian
The 2017 NRAAO Connecticut Conference Committee has been extremely fortunate to have a valuable gem of a resource to develop the graphics for our 2017 Conference LOGO. The LOGO incorporates the area’s history with the whale and ship placed on a book of learning which will be your experience at the 2017 Conference in Mystic, Connecticut.
Linda has a MFA, in Illustration, and a BFA with a concentration in Graphic Art Design from the Hartford Art School, University of Hartford. Linda presently owns her own freelance business servicing small business, corporate marketing departments and non-profits with adverting, design, and illustration for their marketing needs.
She comes highly recommended by Anthony Homicki.
Marsha L. Standish
Chair, 2017 Northeast Conference